

Our Burnout Prevention and Recovery Programme is by far the most inclusive, comprehensive and in -depth burnout course in the Netherlands. It has been tailor-made to respond to all the symptoms and underlying causes that result in chronic stress or burnout.

Research has pinpointed specific character traits and coping mechanisms that are risk factors for burnout. We have designed our 7-day course around 7 themes that burnout patients share. During the course, all limiting and undermining convictions, emotional responses and behaviours associated with stress and burnout will be tackled in a holistic approach.

All therapy, training and interventions each day will be in service of the day-theme as we work to  transform the obstacles that arise. The combination of individual attention and group dynamics make this course incredibly effective.

Why a multi-disciplinary approach?

Burnout is as much a mindset problem as it is a state of physical fatigue and it is as much an emotional setback as it is a set of physical symptoms. Body, mind and emotions have conspired to bring a patient to their knees and so it is essential that body, mind and emotion are ALL engaged in the healing process.

In addition, subconscious convictions may be holding clients back, so we also use hypnotherapy to remove negative subconscious influences that cannot be dealt with on a rational level. We use our expertise as a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, body-based therapist and senior trainer(who also has experience as a former burnout patient) to treat burnout on every level.

We will also make time for individual one-on-one sessions with both trainer and therapist to give personal attention to our clients for specific and privacy-sensitive issues.

As this is a retreat, participants benefit from the power of being away from daily routines and the daily stressors. Research has shown that clients coming for therapy or coaching, for an hour a week will lose some of the momentum by going back to the same home and work environment with their incumbent negative triggers. On our retreat, our participants will have seven complete days of therapeutic interventions and training courses. Each building on the day before, culminating in a new mindset, a new ability to process difficult emotions and new skills in interpreting and relieving physical and psychological  symptoms.

At the end of the week, our clients should be well on their way to recovery. To ensure their continued progress, we will provide them with a toolbox to help them maintain their energy levels and prevent future burnouts.

Both the therapist (Irish) and trainer (Dutch) are fluent in English and Dutch and retreats are available in either language.